Portal de Puerto Lumbreras


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detail of Puerto Lumbreras


Puerto Lumbreras facilitates the inclusion of the Roma community through an employment and training program (03/07/2018)

The City Council of Puerto Lumbreras, in collaboration with Fundación Secretariado Gitano, has facilitated the inclusion of the Roma community in the municipality through the "Currélatelo" Employability Improvement Program.

This was explained by the mayor of the town, M ª Angeles Túnez, during the closing ceremony and delivery of diplomas to students who have participated in the program.

The general objective of this program has been to reduce the difficulties in access to employment for people in vulnerable situations and to improve their employability level through competency training.

To do this, a social worker and a work counselor made individualized itineraries of socio-labor insertion to the participants.

The program has included sessions of individualized tutoring, group actions, training actions, accompaniment and labor intermediation.

In the first place, the social worker and the labor counselor interviewed the students to know their situation and explain the program.

Then, they carried out the reception and diagnosis of the situation of each person to subsequently carry out a social and competence assessment.

Finally, they developed labor intermediation and follow-up on employment in each case.

Among the actions carried out highlights curriculum development, cover letters, search for job offers, enrollment in employment platforms, conducting self-employment motivation workshops and entrepreneurship.

In addition, the participants of this program carried out internships in different shops in the municipality related to the textile and food sector, among others.

Throughout the year, the Fundación Secretariado Gitano has also developed various training workshops on equal opportunities, personal competences, skills for employment, self-image, auxiliary tasks of trade and gender perspective, among others.

The program is funded by the Murciano Institute of Social Action (IMAS), through the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, and the European Social Fund (ESF).

The mayor of Puerto Lumbreras stressed that "this type of program is a great opportunity for people in unemployment because it provides them with a good letter of introduction when entering the labor market."

To conclude, Tunisia stressed that "Puerto Lumbreras continues for the seventh consecutive month reducing its unemployment rate, which currently stands at 6.22%, which is the lowest unemployment figure registered in the city since January 2009."

Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras

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