Portal de Puerto Lumbreras


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detail of Puerto Lumbreras


Puerto Lumbreras will benefit from European aid for the development of three projects (05/07/2018)

The City Council of Puerto Lumbreras will receive Leader aids from the Local Action Group of Campoder for a total amount of 105,448.27 euros, financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and by the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, through of the Rural Development Program (PDR).

The Minister of Water, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Miguel Angel del Amor, and the mayor of Puerto Lumbreras, M ª Angeles Tunis, have met today in Puerto Lumbreras, along with the mayors of other municipalities who will also receive this type of aid for present the selected projects.

In the case of Puerto Lumbreras, among the projects chosen stands out the installation of a 24-hour video surveillance system, which will allow the tourist attraction of the Nogalte Castle and its Cave Houses, cataloged as an Asset of Cultural Interest, to be continuously and regularly displayed. .

The objective of this initiative, whose investment amounts to 20,449 euros, is to increase security in the area, as well as to deter and detect acts of vandalism.

The video surveillance system will provide the necessary information in real time and will be transmitted directly to the Local Police.

On the other hand, the City will launch a project of renovation and adaptation of the environment of the Hermitage (Esparragal) with an investment of 59,999.46 euros.

The works will consist in the repair of the pavement damages, at the same time that a new recreational space will be created inside the square with games for children and new green spaces.

In this way, the green areas will be extended with the planting of trees and flowers, as well as the extension of the surroundings next to the Church with walks and garden areas until the bus stop.

The objective is to carry out refurbishment works in the Plaza de la Ermita and in its surroundings to improve the services provided to citizens.

It should be noted that the plaza of the urban core of La Ermita is one of the public spaces of first construction in the municipality, which is why it is necessary to carry out adaptation works, adapted to the accessibility regulations.

In third place, the City Council will receive 24,999.81 euros for the promotion of the tourist resources of Puerto Lumbreras through various initiatives such as the publication of catalogs with the aim of increasing the number of visitors.

The mayor of the town, María Ángeles Túnez, explained that "these grants are a great opportunity, since they allow us to launch projects that make our municipality more attractive, improve infrastructures and increase the quality of life of citizens".

Leader aids

Local participative development through Leader consists of giving the planning initiative to the local communities, organized in associations as Local Action Groups elaborate and execute a Participatory Local Development Strategy for a given territory, taking advantage of its resources.

This bottom-up approach implies a greater involvement of the population in the solution of the common problems that affect them and a greater commitment in the actions they project, resulting in an increase in local governance.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras

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