Portal de Puerto Lumbreras


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detail of Puerto Lumbreras


A fortnight of lumbrerenses unemployed specialize in the care of dependents in social institutions (07/07/2018)

The City Council of Puerto Lumbreras, in collaboration with the Employment and Training Service of the Region of Murcia, has organized a socio-health care course for dependents in social institutions.

A total of 15 unemployed people carry out this training action that will run until October at the Entrepreneurs Center of Puerto Lumbreras.

The participants will acquire skills and knowledge related to the reception in dependent institutions;

psychosocial support, relational and communicative institutional care;

organization of activities for dependent persons;

intervention in hygienic-alimentary care in institutions;

and intervention in socio-health care.

The course also includes a non-work practice module with a duration of 80 hours.

The general objective is to assist dependents in the social healthcare field in the institution where their performance is developed, applying the strategies designed by the competent interdisciplinary team and the procedures to maintain and improve their personal autonomy and their relationships with the environment.

At the end of the successful training, students will receive a certificate of professionalism in this specialty.

The Councilor for Employment and Commerce, Angela Morillas, stressed that "it is essential to have adequate training for the performance of this type of task, as well as the official documentation that accredits it."

This training project has an investment of 28,860 euros by the Ministry of Employment, Universities, Business and Environment, through the Regional Employment and Training Service (SEF).

Among the requirements that students have had to meet in order to access the course, it is important to be registered as unemployed in the offices of the SEF and to have one of the following degrees: Graduate in Compulsory Secondary Education, Access to an Intermediate Level Training Certificate, Certificate of Professional level 1 of the same professional family or have the University Access Test for over 25 years.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras

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