Portal de Puerto Lumbreras


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The soccer field of Puerto Lumbreras will receive an investment of more than 200,000 euros for improvements (10/07/2018)

In addition, the City Council has requested the Community the construction of a metal pergola to cover the terraces of the field

On the other hand, Lumbreras CD will have 40,000 euros for the realization of sports and training activities

The mayor of Puerto Lumbreras, M ª Angeles Tunisia, together with the Councilor for Sports, Juan Rubén Burrueco, have just announced the investment of 212,885.03 euros intended to improve the current football field in the town.

Some works that will begin in the coming months and aim to improve facilities that are currently used by the Lumbreras Sports Club but in reality, as Tunisia recalled, "are enjoyed by more than 350 users, as other groups such as the Socio-Sports School of Real Madrid or fans, in a particular way, rent the facilities to make use of them ".

Specifically, the actions contemplate the replacement of 8,050 square meters of artificial grass 60 millimeters high and 16,000 dtex, renewal of the irrigation system and the perimeter pluvial grids.

In the same way, the works include the repair of the irrigation system of the training camp, installation of new soccer goals 7 and renewal of the network for 7 football and 11 football. The amount of these improvements amounts to 9,174.26 euros.

On the other hand, the City Council has requested the Autonomous Community the construction of a metal pergola to cover the stands of the municipal football field.

The works will include earthworks, masonry, locksmith, stone and asphalt paving and painting works.

This action has an amount of 53,993.85 euros and is part of the complementary works to the Plan of Cooperation to Works and Services of municipal competence for annuities 2018/2019.

The announcement of improvements in the football field has taken place after the signing of the annual collaboration agreement between the City Council and Lumbreras Sports Club to promote the practice of football in the municipality of Puerto Lumbreras.

Thus, the Consistory is committed to make the contribution of 40,000 euros to finance various sports and training activities, as well as various competitions that the club will perform during 2018/2019.

Among them, initiation classes to soccer and improvement, organization of annual football championships in the categories of the School, acquisition of necessary materials, as well as the maintenance in good state of cleanliness and operation of the public facilities in use by the organization.

The mayor of the town, Mª Ángeles Túnez, stressed that "with this action we respond to the most demanded request of CD Lumbreras and football fans."

In addition, Tunisia has indicated that "the promotion of sport is one of our priorities and shows that these investments are going to be executed in the coming months".

Finally, the mayor recalled that "these actions are complemented by the improvement work carried out in recent months on the football field, among which are painting works and the installation of new costumes."

Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras

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