Portal de Puerto Lumbreras


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The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food allocates 225,000 euros to train 300 unemployed from Puerto Lumbreras and Huércal-Overa (18/07/2018)

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, through the Biodiversity Foundation, has granted a grant of 225,000 euros to the municipalities of Puerto Lumbreras and Huércal-Overa for the execution of projects within the framework of the Empleaverde Program, co-financed by the Social Fund European (ESF) 2018.

Specifically, Puerto Lumbreras has been the municipality that promotes the "Ecogreen" project, which aims to train unemployed people in the efficient and sustainable use of natural resources.

The project will train 330 unemployed people in new green qualifications for the efficient management of water and soil, through training actions aimed at the different areas of greater water and soil consumption.

The mayor of the town, Maria Angeles Tunisia, has been satisfied with the granting of aid and stressed that "the environment is a clear business opportunity capable of generating employment and wealth, while retaining our natural heritage and biodiversity This program will favor the creation of employment and obtaining qualifications among people who have greater difficulties in accessing the labor market. "

The strategy proposed by the project has a double aspect.

In the first place, act by improving the efficiency of the sectors where there is a great use of water.

Second, train unemployed people, especially women and over 45 years, in the new green qualifications and professional profiles demanded in the agricultural and tourism sector.

The project includes a course on organic farming of the two main products of the area: horticultural and citrus.

In the same way, a specialization of personnel will be carried out in the treatment of the soil from an integral vision of the agroecosystem to assure its quality and biodiversity.

It is also planned to carry out a training action on the implementation of technology in irrigation, control and soil improvement systems.

The participants in the project have the possibility of taking a training course with a new sustainable and multifunctional approach to green spaces for tourism and urban use.

As explained by the mayor, "the content of the training actions is innovative, since they have never taken training in these new green skills adapted to the real needs of the territory and sector in this area."

In addition, Tunisia has announced that "10% of participants will find a job at the end of the project".

"Eco Green aims at the labor insertion of the groups with greater risk, but also to sensitize the business community about the need to protect the soil and incorporate new professional profiles that support the transformation of the sector towards the low carbon economy", concluded Mª Ángeles Tunisia .

Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras

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