Portal de Puerto Lumbreras


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detail of Puerto Lumbreras


ASEPLU receives a subsidy of 15,000 euros from the municipal consistory (19/07/2018)

The City Council of Puerto Lumbreras and the Confederation of Employers of Puerto Lumbreras, ASEPLU, have signed a collaboration agreement by which the municipal consistory will contribute with the budget contribution of 15,000 euros from its 2018 General Budget.

The purpose of this firm is to carry out actions to revitalize, participate and organize various events.

Among them, highlights the collaboration of both institutions for the organization and implementation of the annual "Business Awards" and the launch of commercial campaigns such as "Your purchases in Kings", "Commercial Sales Campaign", "Puerto Lumbreras Te Enamora" , "March in Femenino", "Ruta de la Tapa y el Cóctel".

In addition, the agreement also involves the organization of different fairs such as "Car Fair", "Mercadillo del Comercio", "Feria del Comercio Lumbrerense", "Black Friday" and "Navilandia".

On the other hand, there is also a close collaboration for the promotion and promotion of traditional local crafts with the "Craft Market", as well as with the Local Development Agency of the town council in the promotion of entrepreneurship, professionalization and new business opportunities, through dissemination and information to its associates.

The mayor of Puerto Lumbreras, Mª Ángeles Tunisia, has shown her strong support to merchants and businessmen and stressed that "with this agreement we will strengthen the commercial sector and boost the economic fabric of the municipality."

Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras

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