Portal de Puerto Lumbreras


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detail of Puerto Lumbreras


The neighbors of Góñar celebrate the festivity of the Virgen del Carmen (22/07/2018)

Numerous citizens, among whom were members of the Government team, accompanied the Virgin in procession through the main streets of the district.

The Municipal Band of Music did not want to miss this appointment to liven up the celebration.

Afterwards, a Floral Offering and a mass in honor of Our Lady of Carmen were celebrated in the esplanade of the Polideportivo de Góñar.

To end the day, the attendees enjoyed the performance of the musical group "Arca".

The festive program continues on August 4 with pilgrimage and the musical performance of the duo "Iguana".

On the other hand, on August 11 will be played the 12 hours of indoor football "Fiestas de Góñar" and, the next day, the Festival Committee has organized a rociera fair with giant paella, children's games and musical performances.

The big days will be on August 14 and 15 with the election of the Queen of the Feasts of Góñar, mass, procession and musical performances.

It should be noted that these activities are organized by the Festival Commission of Góñar, in collaboration with the City Council of Puerto Lumbreras and are part of the summer program Nogalte Cultural 2018.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras

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