Portal de Puerto Lumbreras


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detail of Puerto Lumbreras


Puerto Lumbreras receives the recognition Bonito del Norte 2018 to the 'Exemplary Town' (22/07/2018)

The town of Puerto Lumbreras has just received the distinction of Bonito del Norte 2018 to the 'Exemplary Town' framed within the 8th Gastronomic Days celebrated in Casa Menéndez, Águilas.

A recognition that was yesterday picked up by the mayor of Puerto Lumbreras, M.ª Angeles Tunisia.

From the organization have wanted to highlight the border character of this Murcian municipality as a key element of its idiosyncrasy and that, in the words of the communicator Pedro Antonio Hurtado, "has done to itself", growing during the last half century to reach today the 15,000 inhabitants.

Among the elements that stood out is the Nogalte Castle as a strategic Arab fortress, the Cabezo de la Jara where the legend locates the death of one of the Scipio brothers in the struggles between Carthaginians and Romans, the historical importance of their Cattle Fairs, as well as its hospitable character as a crossroads of roads, offering during the decade of 60.70 and 80 stop and inn in the long runs of the Mediterranean Arc developing an important hotel sector.

Along with his entrepreneurial character, currently focused on the agrarian sector, they also highlighted his courage, recalling the devastating flood of October 19, 1973 that severely broke the Lumbreren soul after the loss of a hundred neighbors.

The mayor wanted to thank the decoration, remembering the citizens of Lumbrere as an example of a town in constant growth and renewal.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras

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