Portal de Puerto Lumbreras


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Boxer Mª Carmen Romero, new champion of Spain 2018 in Kick Boxing (23/07/2018)

The lumbrerense boxer Mª Carmen Romero Molina has managed to get the title of champion of Spain 2018 in Kick Boxing in K-1 mode.

On behalf of the Region of Murcia, Romero moved last weekend to Guadalajara to play for three days in the Palace Multipurpose of the town this hard meeting, which involved more than 500 competitors from July 20 to 22.

Romero had to overcome the various tests with stomach problems, even to consider the possibility of leaving the final.

But finally, the luminary was imposed on the Valencian Lisa Vaananem Marja, Maria del Mar Vega Count of Barcelona, ​​Carmen Virginia Arancia de Asturias and María García Espejo de Andalucía.

Undoubtedly, a great triumph that continues to swell the long list harvested by this Lumbrerense athlete.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras

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