Portal de Puerto Lumbreras


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detail of Puerto Lumbreras


The Local Police of Puerto Lumbreras intensifies the surveillance work in rural areas (23/07/2018)

The Local Police of Puerto Lumbreras has intensified the surveillance work in the municipality and, especially, in the rural areas of the town during the summer months with the aim of preventing robberies and other crimes.

This is what the Councilor for Public Safety, Dolores Arenas, pointed out today.

The Local Police has increased the frequency of its surveillance patrols, mainly in areas where there is a greater number of scattered homes.

In this way, the agents walk through the different rural areas of the municipality on a daily basis to guarantee the safety of Lumbrerenses.

As a result of these actions, the Local Police of Puerto Lumbreras has proceeded to arrest several people for various criminal acts in the last month.

Among them, two young people of Spanish nationality who tried to steal objects at the Puerto Lumbreras railway station.

On the other hand, the agents detained a male in the urban core of the municipality as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of theft, as well as a man for stealing material and three animals in the rural area of ​​La Estación-Esparragal.

In the same way, the agents intercepted a vehicle making evasive maneuvers when noticing the police presence.

When proceeding to their identification, they verified that one of the passengers had a complaint for misappropriation, so they carried out the corresponding police proceedings.

The Councilor for Public Safety, Dolores Arenas, stressed that "these are just some of the actions that the Local Police of Puerto Lumbreras carries out in order to keep our municipality safe".

To conclude, Arenas has highlighted "the excellent work of assistance that agents perform."

Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras

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