Portal de Puerto Lumbreras


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The 'Summer School in Puerto Lumbreras' facilitates work and family conciliation (24/07/2018)

One of the six Summer Schools offered in Puerto Lumbreras for the reconciliation of work and family life during the summer period brings together dozens of young people from 4 to 14 years.

This is the initiative made by the Sports Association of Puerto Lumbreras called 'Summer School in Puerto Lumbreras' and reaches its sixth edition offering a varied program of activities with educational games, sports, artistic activities (music, audiovisual, technology) and aquatic facilities in the Municipal Sports Center.

Programming that is increased with surprise activities such as the San Fermin children's enclosure on July 13 with which the children could walk some of the streets of the urban center with red scarf and dressed in white to the Sports Center, where the end of the route.

Values ​​education is one of the main objectives for the organizers of this initiative, highlighting respect, camaraderie, cooperation and tolerance, all of which they hope to assimilate their participants through games and different activities.

Thus, its programming has already had the completion of the Road Safety Education Day carried out by Ventura Autoescuela with circuit, signage and its implementation.

The 'Summer School in Puerto Lumbreras' reaches the middle of its journey since it will take place during the months of July and August.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras

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