Portal de Puerto Lumbreras


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detail of Puerto Lumbreras


The Community is carrying out refurbishment work on the Los Pérez road for an amount exceeding 40,000 euros (25/07/2018)

Puerto Lumbreras will have the rural road of Los Pérez fully conditioned in the coming days thanks to the restoration work being carried out by the Autonomous Community.

The mayor of the town, M ª Angeles Túnez, the councilman of Works, Eliseo Sánchez, and the councilor of Agriculture, Livestock, Water and Pedanías, José María Parra, visited today the state of the works of this rural road, which will be completed in a short period of time.

In particular, this road is carrying out works to reinforce and improve the base of the road surface, application of a road surface with asphalt emulsion, replacement of a water pipe with a new one for concrete, construction of two concrete manholes and vertical signposting with the placement of three STOP signals and two speed limitation signals at 30 kilometers per hour.

The Los Pérez road has a length of 985 meters and a variable width of 4 to 6 meters.

With the actions that are being carried out, the road will have a width of 6 meters.

The term of execution of this work is five months and the budget amounts to 41,802.07 euros.

"With this investment we continue to improve rural roads, which contributes to improving access to isolated homes, livestock and agricultural operations in the hamlet of El Esparragal Lumbrerense," said the mayor of the town.

Finally, Tunisia stressed that "very soon the Vera road will also be remodeled with the recycling of the road surface, after clearing the margins and cleaning gutters."

The Vera road project also contemplates the application of curing irrigation to allow the correct setting of the firm recycling, the localized application of herbicide on the margins, the installation of new cross-sectional drainage and drainage steps, the replacement or reinforcement of vertical signage and the Enabling of new horizontal signage, with continuous and discontinuous lines with white reflective paint.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras

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