Portal de Puerto Lumbreras


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The regional government subsidizes programs for the integral attention of gypsy people in Puerto Lumbreras (26/07/2018)

Puerto Lumbreras will host for the first time a Summer School for the Roma community in the month of August

The Ministry of Family and Equal Opportunities has awarded a grant worth 35,000 euros to the municipality of Puerto Lumbreras for the development of comprehensive social assistance programs for the Roma people.

This measure is carried out with the aim of meeting the needs of the most disadvantaged Roma groups and promoting the development of the Roma people.

The mayor of the town, Mª Ángeles Túnez, stressed that "the Roma population is a population group of special social vulnerability so we must pay specific attention."

Tunisia has highlighted that "the purpose of this subsidy is to promote the promotion, prevention of exclusion, development, participation and social integration, favoring the improvement of the qualification and access to employment of the Roma population of Puerto Lumbreras".

The projects that are executed within the Gypsy Development Plan, subsidized by the Autonomous Community, must have an integral character, being able to contemplate actions in the areas of social action, education, training and employment, health, housing and housing, associationism and social cooperation, culture and equal treatment and non-discrimination.

The projects will be directed primarily to the Roma population, although, in accordance with the principles of universality and standardization of resources, the actions included in them may be specific or general, depending on whether the recipients are exclusively Roma or do not.

Specifically, in the month of August, the Department of Social Policy will launch a Summer School for children belonging to the gypsy community.

Thus, a fortnight of children between 4 and 10 years old can benefit from this initiative.

The grants granted under the Gypsy Development Plan are of a singular nature, which is why they are authorized to be granted directly as public and social reasons are present.

These reasons are based on the need to support and finance the actions that were being carried out in the municipality in relation to the Roma population and the need to support the development of programs in municipalities with a high Roma population density or with high population centers. concentration of it.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras

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