Portal de Puerto Lumbreras


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detail of Puerto Lumbreras


Civil Protection oversees Cabezo de la Jara to prevent fires during the summer months (27/07/2018)

Volunteers from the Civil Protection and Emergencies service of Puerto Lumbreras supervise the Cabezo de la Jara and the Sierra de Enmedio area in order to prevent forest fires.

The City Council of Puerto Lumbreras has formalized an agreement with the Autonomous Community, through the Ministry of the Presidency, for the provision of the service of prevention and extinction of forest fires, within the framework of the Infomur Plan.

Specifically, 20 volunteers of Civil Protection of Puerto Lumbreras are performing tasks of land mobile monitoring in the natural area of ​​Cabezo de la Jara and Sierra de Enmedio.

The Plan contemplates the period of greatest fire risk from June 1 to September 30.

Therefore, members of Civil Protection participate daily in surveillance to detect possible fires as quickly as possible.

The Ministry of the Presidency has contributed to partially cover the costs of the surveillance carried out by Civil Protection volunteers, for which it allocates 6,000 euros to the Municipality of Puerto Lumbreras.

The Civil Protection and Emergencies service has a brigade of prompt assistance at the regional level with personnel and two vehicles for rapid intervention to extinguish fires.

Cabezo de la Jara is the highest mountain in the municipality of Puerto Lumbreras with a height of 1,246 meters.

It is an area declared as a Site of Community Importance (SCI) for all its natural resources.

It has landscapes of rich vegetation that are dotted by scattered farmhouses that preserve the traditional architecture with typical cisterns, adobe ovens and grain beds.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras

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