Portal de Puerto Lumbreras


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The Library of Puerto Lumbreras participates in the national contest for reading animation "María Moliner" (29/07/2018)

The Municipal Library of Puerto Lumbreras participates this year in the XIX contest to encourage reading "María Moliner", which awards the best projects carried out by libraries of municipalities with less than 50,000 inhabitants

This campaign, launched by the Ministry of Culture and Sports, aims to encourage the implementation of projects to encourage reading through the organization of this contest in which up to 300 selected projects will receive a cash prize to acquire lots of books.

In addition, the three projects that obtain the best scores will obtain another additional prize financed by the Banco Santander Foundation, which will go to the library.

Each of the projects selected by the Valuation Committee will receive a cash prize of 1,706.66 euros awarded by the Ministry of Culture and Sports, which will be used exclusively for the purchase of books.

Likewise, the three libraries that obtain the best score will receive a cash prize of 10,000 euros from the Banco Santander Foundation.

This campaign will reward those libraries that carry out unique projects with actions to encourage reading, good practices in library work, activities that promote the social inclusion of vulnerable groups, as well as actions that encourage social and intergenerational coexistence.

For the award of this grant, in addition to the amount of the budget allocated to the corresponding budget application, a selection of the requested projects will be carried out according to a series of requirements such as clarity and interest of the project for the purposes of the announcement;

the planning and viability of the project, the importance of the project for social inclusion;

originality or innovation.

For its part, the municipality of Puerto Lumbreras participates in this contest with fifteen activities that aim to promote reading habits and bring the library closer to citizens, especially children.

Among the activities promoted by the Municipal Library Network highlights "Literary Tennis Party", "Librarian for a day", "Reading Club", "Short story marathon", "Biblioparque", "Library Detective Contest" "Visit your library "and" A book for everyone ".

The Councilor for Culture and Tourism, Mª Victoria Jerez, stressed that "the Network of Libraries of Puerto Lumbreras frames the promotion of reading as one of its main objectives by developing a varied program of activities that arouse interest in the reading of citizens , especially of children and young people. "

Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras

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