LEFT UNIDA DE PUERTO LUMBREBRAS considers that once the legislature ends and the balance is made, it is undoubtedly necessary to highlight the inability of the Government Team to approve the General Plan of Urban Regulation (PGMO) of the municipality, all after in January 2016 an advance of the same will be fully carried out.
This situation is reached as a result of two judgments on October 4, 2013 of the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Murcia and another of July 20, 2015 of the Supreme Court, in which the Resolutory Order of the Minister of Public Works, Housing and Transportation of May 23, 2007, relative to the partial final approval of the Municipal General Plan of Ordination of Puerto Lumbreras.
In opinion of the spokesman of LEFT UNIDA-GREEN of Puerto Lumbreras Víctor Romera: "after more than 3 years since the last presented advance, almost nothing is known of the project of PGMO and the work that can be done in this respect is unknown by the social and economic agents of the municipality, we speak of business organizations such as Aseplu, Technical Offices of the municipality, and other affected groups etc.,. "
The spokesperson of LEFT UNIDA-VERDES also criticizes that "Even the Local Sectoral Table of Urban Planning that was created to give some participation and information in this regard is not even convened with some regularity and for a long time."
as well as the occultism that surrounds this norm "since in spite of having requested a copy and access to the work carried out to date by the Company's editor, the information is provided to us with more than 2 months of delay".
Víctor Romera considers: "That the PGMO is a basic and fundamental tool for a municipality necessary for the integral management of the territory, through which the soil is classified, the regime applicable to each soil class is determined, and the fundamental elements are defined of the municipality's equipment system, so its importance is relevant to the present and future development of our town, which is why its initial approval is necessary, since at present we are one of the few municipalities in the Region of Murcia that lacks planning in force and follows the Subsidiary Rules of the eighties ".
Source: IU-verdes Puerto Lumbreras