The tension could be felt in the first plenary session of this legislature.
Among the deviations of what the Socialists understand that it must be a true space for dialogue and understanding, there were numerous reproaches based on the electoral campaign, disqualifications towards the PSOE and its spokesperson, María Rosa García and a misguided application of amendments to the motions presented that implied substantial and inadmissible changes in their content.
The Socialists presented three realistic motions and based on promoting the well-being of the Lumbrereans but, inexplicably, none of these proposals was supported, as would have been logical if the improvement of our municipality and the quality of life of citizens were really sought.
In the first one, the PSOE demanded the opening of the canteen of the municipal park Augusto Vels, a service that has been closed since October and that users have been claiming since then.
At this point, VOX and PP presented amendments that were rejected by the cross vetoes of both formations.
Finally, they voted against the socialist initiative.
The other two motions of the PSOE, which called for the reopening of suppressed school transportation lines and the recovery of the youth hostel of Cabezo de la Jara, were also amended in what the socialist spokeswoman considers "a tease towards citizens" given that "in this sense, the Popular Party continues to make abusive use of the amendments that try to mask its real will to vote against our proposal, completely distorting the original meaning of the PSOE's motions. An amendment is a correction or a change at some point in a proposal, not a completely different new proposal. "
But the most tense moment of the plenary took place in the debate on the motion presented by Izquierda Unida on the need for a SUAP, since the mayor, María Ángeles Tunisia, lost her temper, showing a bronchial tone and little respectful improper of the position that It represents.
According to María Rosa García: "There is an abysmal difference in mood between the Popular Party and the Socialist Party. The Socialists are willing to contribute in everything necessary to the government team so that our municipality improves and progresses. Therefore, we have voted in favor of the motions that we found right and necessary, regardless of the party that presented them.On the contrary, the Popular Party remains faithful to its style of recent years, using the plenary sessions to carry out personal attacks and reproaches that cloud a space that should be a forum to strengthen ties of understanding and to row together in the same direction with a true vocation of public servants. Only when they understand that we do not want to be their enemies will we have laid the first stone. "
Source: PSOE Puerto Lumbreras