On October 11, 2019 the socialist group requested the convening of the Special Commission for the development of a General Urban Planning Plan, commission created with the constitution of the new Municipal Corporation, and that, after three months, it has not convened yet on any occasion.
In the absence of initiative by the Government team, we urgently urged its call to explain to the different political forces the status of the efforts made to develop the General Plan since it was canceled in 2013, the current status and planned actions.
Six years after the cancellation by the Superior Court of Justice of Murcia, of a General Municipal Plan of Planning created by the Popular Party, and that, as stated in the judicial sentences does not conform to the current law, we are still waiting for the wording of a new real and viable document.
The Lumbrerean socialists have been expressing their willingness to prepare a new PGMO, a plan that must provide a solution to the administrative, legal and economic situation in which we find ourselves.
We need a document that gathers a natural growth of the municipality, avoiding the current disorder situation.
We are facing a blocked municipality and with a design based on improvisations.
In September 2015 we requested the creation of a work commission for its elaboration, constituted with the incorporation of all political formations, but also, with the contribution of the different socio-economic associations of the municipality.
The government team turned a deaf ear to our proposal, a motion that was raised to the Plenary Session of May 2017, being voted against by the Popular Party.
Given the insistence and pressures of the PSOE of Puerto Lumbreras, with the constitution of the new corporation, the commission that we have requested so much by different means has been created, although with important absences since it is only composed of members of the Municipal Corporation.
The creation of a decaffeinated commission, which after six months have passed since its constitution without having met once, and in the absence of a call after the PSOE request, makes clear the little or no interest of the government team in the situation town planning.
In 2014, the Municipal Socialist Group requested the creation of this special commission for the development of the new PGMO, an objective achieved after 5 years and on the occasion of the need to respond to this problem in the last elections after 6 years without advancing anything.
At that time, the Government team, with its absolute majority and with its back to the citizens, considered the creation of this work commission unnecessary for the elaboration of the PGMO, indicating that the Urban Planning Sector Table existed, a table from which neither has been obtained any result and being the full good moment to give an account of the meetings that have been held of it.
The Socialist Municipal Group presented allegations in March 2016 to the proposal to advance the PGMO project, without today having official knowledge of the processing status, or of the considerations to our proposals, or of the considerations to the allegations presented by the citizens of Puerto Lumbreras.
Before the inaction that we understand as negative by the Mayor / President to call the commission requested by the PSOE, a call that should have been made within 15 days of your request, together with the manifest inactivity of the government team and its Lack of transparency, it is necessary to submit to the Plenary the meeting and meeting deadlines of said commission.
María Rosa García considers it inadmissible to continue with this situation, since "the time has come to take the initiative and force the drafting of a legal and appropriate PGMO to the municipality, a document that must be on the table imminently."
Source: PSOE Puerto Lumbreras