The Socialists' proposal will serve to guarantee that the attending public can participate in the plenary session in the "requests and questions" section, knowing in advance the issues to be debated in the plenary session. The motion, whose main objective is to guarantee the participation of the residents of Lumbrera through a turn of requests for questions at the end of the plenary session, was approved on May 26 with the vote in favor of all the political groups of the Municipal Corporation.
except for the Popular Party. The initiative of the socialists represents a novelty that will represent a positive advance for the sake of transparency with regard to the highest representative body of citizens of our municipality.
As explained by the socialist spokesperson, María Rosa García: "we consider that it is not acceptable that our neighbors from Lumbrera attend the plenary with the intention of participating and cannot do so, as has happened on several occasions.
Therefore, it is necessary that, at the end of the ordinary plenary session, the Mayor establish, in any case, a turn of requests and questions so that citizens have the opportunity to intervene before the members of the Corporation in order to be able to raise specific issues of municipal interest¨ It is striking that since a Participation Regulation was approved in 2016 in which reference is made to this possibility of forming ambiguity, no citizen has ever participated, nor has this possibility been reported from the Puerto Lumbreras City Council. Among the approved agreements is the obligation to inform citizens, through all communication channels belonging to the Puerto Lumbreras City Council, of the call and agenda of each plenary session with sufficient notice.
The socialist spokesperson points out that ¨we consider that the right to participation and information is a necessary exercise in transparency, which is why we also urge the Government Team to ensure that adequate publicity is offered on the municipal website that citizens will be able to participate in the completion of the plenary session through a turn of requests and questions¨
Source: PSOE Puerto Lumbreras