| The agreement has increased from 12 to 15 the number of users benefiting from the Puerto Lumbreras Day Center for people with disabilities | The mayor of Puerto Lumbreras, María Ángeles Tunisia, visited the Comprehensive Center for People with Disabilities (CIPED) this morning, to check the correct operation of this service after the users return to the facilities.
The center is carrying out a staggered incorporation following the phases and recommendations of the health authorities, currently having 13 of the 40 Early Care children from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 14:00, and complying with all hygiene, protection and disinfection measures.
As the de-escalation phases progress, the number of minors in early intervention social intervention will increase, and the schedules will be modified.
Professionals are also coming to their position on a rotating basis, combining face-to-face and teleworking modalities.The attention to the 12 users of the Day Center continues to be telematic. To improve the service provided at CIPED, the Governing Council of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia has authorized an agreement with the Puerto Lumbreras City Council of more than 650,000 euros to provide the Day Center service from this year and until 2023 for people with intellectual disabilities in situations of dependency. The objective of this agreement is to carry out programs that allow the expansion of existing care services for dependent people, so that they can enjoy basic levels of social welfare and have services that meet their social needs.
The Day Center promotes a better quality of life, enhancing their autonomy and adequate living conditions in their own family environment, thus delaying or even preventing their entry into residential centers. CIPED provides morning and afternoon care for 222 days a year with assistance for the development of basic activities of daily living, maintenance, transportation and therapeutic services, occupational care and health care.
In addition, the agreement increases the number of users benefited from 12 to 15 people with intellectual disabilities in the municipality, who may be over 16 years of age and under 65 years of age, although older people may be cared for with the approval of IMAS. As of today, the Puerto Lumbreras Day Center benefits 12 people who are provided with care valued at 46.92 euros per user and day with degree of dependency I and with degrees II and III at 52.91 euros Although these amounts will be matched next year.
The estimated price per day for places reserved by IMAS for people with permanent support is 63.34 euros.
For people with Autism Spectrum Disorder with degree of dependency II and III the amount amounts to 74.23 euros user / day and with grade I to 67.11 euros.
Similarly, the value of these will be equalized next year.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras