Cleaning and disinfection, repair of blinds, painting of classrooms, playgrounds and exteriors, as well as general maintenance actions have been carried out. Around 200 3-year-old students have enrolled to date in the five schools of Puerto Lumbreras. The Department of Education of the City Council of Puerto Lumbreras is carrying out from the state of alarm and taking into account the suspension of classes, conditioning and improvement tasks in the public schools of the municipality, in view of its set-up for the start of the school year scheduled for September, following the instructions of the health authorities, the Central Government and the Ministry of Education of the Autonomous Community.
The course will start following the ratios established by law (25 students per classroom), and if the minimum safety distance within the classroom is not possible, the use of a mask will be mandatory. The Councilor for Education, José Manuel Sánchez, has verified in situ the progress of the works.
Sánchez highlighted that "cleaning and disinfection, repair of blinds, painting of classrooms and exteriors, as well as general maintenance actions have been carried out.
In addition, children's games have been painted in the patios, as well as checking rooms for bathroom, heating and drains, among other actions ". He also stressed that "we are taking advantage of this period without classes to carry out these improvement tasks with the aim that the schools are in perfect condition at the beginning of the new school year, and thus be able to contribute to improving the quality of teaching in our municipality.
In the coming weeks we will continue to carry out more actions in all educational centers.
" On the other hand, for the 2020/2021 school year, around 200 3-year-old students will join the five schools in Puerto Lumbreras: Asunción Jordán, Juan Antonio López Alcaraz, Sagrado Corazón, Purísima Concepción and Lideria. "It should also be noted among the measures taken during the state of alarm, that the Department of Education has provided help to all those parents who needed to register their children for the start of the school year, and gel has been distributed hydro-alcoholic and masks to all students who are going to take the entrance exam to the University, EBAU, "said José Manuel Sánchez.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras