| Under the title 'The Three Wise Men need you and count on you', Lumbrerenses are invited to "give life" | The initiative seeks to get enough blood donations for the next dates.
All groups are needed, and especially the following: 0-, A +, A-, AB-, B-.
The City Council of Puerto Lumbreras together with the Regional Hemodonation Center will carry out on the morning of this Tuesday, January 5, the initiative 'This year, the Three Wise Men need you and are counting on you', with the aim of obtaining blood donations before the decrease in reserves.
It will take place from 09:30 to 14:00 in the Plenary Hall of the City Council.
"We are going through a complicated situation generated by the pandemic, in which the decrease in blood donation, together with the high demand for blood components in the hospitals of the Region, make reserves Low minimums, so we call on Lumbrerenses since it is vitally important to donate blood urgently, given the hemotherpic alarm situation in which we find ourselves.Our municipality has always shown great solidarity in these circumstances and I am sure it will continue to do so, "said the mayor, Mar a ngeles T nez.
During the past year 2020, 46,350 donations were made in the Region of Murcia, compared to the 48,000 registered at this time in 2019; and 5,959 people became new donors compared to 6,860 registered in the same period in 2019.
Given the decrease in the number of donations and new donors, and due to the high demand from hospitals, the reserves of the Hemodonation Center are not at an optimal level.
Blood donations of all groups are needed, and especially the following: 0-, A +, A-, AB-, B-, for the supply of blood components in hospitals.
As a whole, the Regional Hemodonation Center currently has about 35,000 active donors; men can donate 4 times a year and women 3 times a year.
The requirements to donate blood are met by most of the population, since it is only necessary to be between 18 and 65 years old, weigh more than 50 kilos and be in good health.
Information of interest to blood donors If you have received the SMS and you decide to go to donate blood, take into account the following recommendations, in addition to the usual minimum requirements: be between 18 and 65 years old, weigh more than 50 kilos, be healthy, not come fasting and bring your DNI or donor card: -If you have had more than 37.5 temperature in the last 15 days, do not go.
-If you have had flu-like symptoms, an unusual dry cough, or shortness of breath, do not go.
-If you are in the care of or in continuous contact with patients or possible patients with covid -19, do not go.
Blood donation is a safe act, and also the environment where it is carried out, under all the measures of the sanitary protocol, such as hand washing and the use of hydroalcoholic gel in each step of the donation, among other measures.
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras