The Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia allocated 133,999.18 euros for the provision of the Day Center service for people with intellectual disabilities in a situation of dependency in Puerto Lumbreras.
The announcement, published yesterday in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia (BORM), reports on the extension of the collaboration agreement signed in 2014, between the Autonomous Community, through the Murciano Institute of Social Action, and the City Council of Puerto Lumbreras .
The mayor of Puerto Lumbreras, Mª Ángeles Tunisia, stressed that "with this new investment made by the regional government we improve the integral attention of the users of the center and their quality of life with new programs that cover all their needs."
Mª Ángeles Tunisia stated that "attending people with special needs is one of our top priorities. Thanks to the close collaboration with the regional government, we continue to expand the places and services for people with intellectual disabilities in our municipality with the aim of Meet all your needs. "
The center's team develops programs that are carried out with users, related to areas such as daily life skills, multisensory stimulation, and audiovisual projections, as well as alternative communication, leisure and free time, knowledge of the environment, physical therapy , Sport and culture.
The aim is to satisfy social needs and to realize the right of citizens to enjoy basic levels of social welfare.
The equipment that houses the Day Center for people with disabilities has an approximate area of ​​more than 2,100 square meters and includes an Early Care Center.
On the ground floor is located the Early Care Center and on the second floor is located the Day Center for people with disabilities, over 16 years old, and includes two classrooms for training and programs of personal and social adjustment, occupational workshops and several Rest rooms, office equipment, gym and physiotherapy.
The services are managed by Fundación Diagrama, specialized in the care of people with disabilities.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras