A social worker and a job counselor carry out individualized itineraries of social and labor insertion to the people who are referred to this program, through the Department of Social Services.
The overall objective of this program is to reduce the difficulties in access to employment for people in situations of social exclusion and to improve their level of employability.
The City Council of Puerto Lumbreras and Fundación Secretariado Gitano have launched an employment program under the motto "Currélatelo" to improve the employment opportunities of people at risk of social exclusion.
The program is not directed exclusively to people of gypsy ethnicity, can benefit from this program the victims of social exclusion with serious difficulties of access to social, health and educational resources.
In particular, the general objective of this program is to reduce the difficulties in access to employment for people experiencing social exclusion and to improve their employability.
To this end, a social worker and a job counselor carry out individualized itineraries of social and labor insertion to the people who are referred to this program, through the Department of Social Services.
This project aims to promote the incorporation of labor in the program and provide the basic skills and professional necessary to enter the world of work.
In this sense, the program includes sessions of individualized tutoring, group actions, training actions, accompaniments and labor intermediation.
Firstly, the social worker and the labor counselor conduct an interview and present the program in an individualized way.
Next, the reception and diagnosis of the personal situation of each person is carried out, and a social and competential assessment is carried out.
Finally, the labor intermediation is carried out and a follow-up on employment matters is carried out in each case.
Among the actions carried out are the preparation of curricula, cover letters, search of job offers, inscriptions on employment platforms, realization of motivation workshops for self-employment and entrepreneurship, among others.
In addition, the participants of this program will practice in companies.
Within the employment program, training workshops and talks on equal opportunities and gender perspectives are also launched.
Currently, a workshop on Personal Skills and Job Skills is being developed.
The mayor of Puerto Lumbreras, Mª Ángeles Tunisia, explained that "with this initiative we increase the employment opportunities of lumbrerenses. One of our main priorities is to improve the employability of all citizens, especially helping people with more difficulties."
In addition, Tunisia has added that "to date 55 cases have been derived from Social Services, of which 38 interviews have already been made through personal interviews."
Finally, it should be noted that the program will end on June 30 and is funded by the Instituto Murciano de Acción Social (IMAS), through the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, and the European Social Fund.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras