With the implementation of these new actions, it is planned to improve the supply of drinking water, the possibility of increasing the supplied flow and the pressure of the network.
The mayor of Puerto Lumbreras, Mª Ángeles Tunisia, the general secretary of the Ministry of Water, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Maria Dolores Valcárcel, and the general director of Water, Miguel Angel of Love, met this morning to analyze the sunset In progress of new actions in matter of water in the locality lumbrerense.
Specifically, Mª Ángeles Tunisia has requested improvement actions in the sanitation network and in the potable water network, as well as the repair of the drinking water supply depot in the hamlet of La Estación-Esparragal.
With the implementation of these new actions, within the Second Plan for Sanitation and Treatment of the Ministry, it is planned to improve the supply of drinking water, the possibility of increasing the flow rate and the pressure of the network.
In addition, water losses will be reduced by eliminating leaks in the pipes.
The Mayor of Puerto Lumbreras, Mª Ángeles Tunisia, explained that "these actions are in line with those recently implemented for the replacement of sanitation networks. We are working together with the regional government in collaboration with the regional government. Great effort to provide the appropriate facilities and improve municipal services to all citizens. "
It should be noted that in recent months there have been improvements in the sanitation network in Pintor José Pérez street, Tío Félix road, Cabildo area, Calle La Verdad, Camino Real and San Francisco Street, among others.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras