The projects requested are Activa Salud, Salud al día, as well as actions within the Strategy of Health Promotion and Prevention of the National Health System.
The City Council of Puerto Lumbreras, through the Department of Health, has requested three projects with which it aims to promote healthy habits among lumbrerenses.
Councilor for Health, Andrés López, explained that "from the Consistory we work for the well-being of the population through projects that promote healthy habits in everyday life. Our objective is to continue promoting new healthy models that increase the quality of life".
Among the projects requested are Activa Salud, Salud al día, as well as actions within the Strategy for Health Promotion and Prevention of the National Health System.
On the one hand, the project "Activa Salud" aims to satisfy the social demand consisting in the development of actions to promote health in the young population, based on physical activity and adequate food.
The target population for this project are young people aged 13 to 18 years.
Within this project will develop workshops with a practical methodology for the dissemination of eating habits and a balanced diet, lifestyle modification, health in adolescence and highlight the importance of physical activity.
On the other hand, through "Health to the day" will be realized actions directed to the people over 60 years, with the aim of favoring the active and healthy aging.
In this case, workshops will also be held to disseminate recommendations on the effects of inadequate nutrition, advice on physical activity and information on healthy aging with an interactive methodology.
It should be noted that the municipality of Puerto Lumbreras adheres to the Strategy for Health Promotion and Prevention in the National Health System (NHS).
The overall goal is to promote the health and well-being of the population by promoting healthy environments and lifestyles and enhancing safety from injury.
The Strategy for Health Promotion and Prevention in the SNS proposes the progressive development of interventions aimed at gaining health and preventing illness, injury and disability.
In this sense, the Consistory has also requested a grant for the implementation of new measures within the Strategy for Health Promotion and Prevention.
The works for which assistance is requested in the call is the constitution of the Sectorial Table and Dynamization of Citizen Participation, collection of information on community resources and dissemination of the map of community resources.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras