The Ministry of Family and Equal Opportunities, through the Murciano Institute of Social Action (IMAS), has awarded a grant to the City of Puerto Lumbreras to reinforce the early care service for children up to 6 years.
In this way, a set of interventions is offered to the children aged 0-6 years, to the family and to the environment, whose aim is to respond as soon as possible to the transitory or permanent needs of children with disorders in their development or that they have the risk of suffering them.
Specifically, through this agreement the regional government has granted 89,146 euros for the provision of early care services to 91 children, 33 children in weekly intervention and 58 children in follow-up.
The service provided in the municipality's early care center includes prevention and diagnosis programs;
therapeutic intervention, including sensory, motor and cognitive stimulation, as well as physiotherapy, speech therapy, hydrotherapy and family intervention;
activities aimed at families, among which is guidance, accompaniment, dynamization and training workshops.
The mayor of the town, Mª Ángeles Tunisia, stressed that "early attention is essential for the development of the child. Thanks to this subsidy we receive from the regional government and the contribution made by the city we can continue to pay attention to minors present disorders in their development and enhancing their personal autonomy ".
It should be noted that early care stimulation is aimed at children with transient or permanent therapeutic needs, caused by limitations, alterations in their development or who have symptoms of them.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras