With the approval of the agreement is reduced by 6% the wages of full-time councilors in the municipality, and 10% compensation for attending as full corporate bodies and governing boards.
Friday, 3 September 2010.
Puerto Lumbreras City Council unanimously adopted at the last full agreement through which to reduce the wages of the council of the municipal corporation.
The agreement assumes adopted the recommendations adopted by the Executive Committee of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces in the guiding criteria were adopted for the reduction of salaries of mayors, councilors and officials of local governments.
In this way, and with the approval of the agreement, Twentieth Base amending the General Budget Execution 2010 in establishing the amount of annual salary compensation of the municipal council.
Specifically the session lumbrerense been reduced by 6% the wages of full-time councilors in the municipality.
In this sense, the mayor of the town, Pedro Antonio Sánchez, explained that this is a "necessary and logical reduction, taking into account the current economic situation."
In addition, Sanchez, who receives no salary compensation for his position as mayor in the city of Puerto Lumbreras, said that "the reduction of the salaries of council members is itself coherent and united after being also reduced the pay salary to officers and employees council. "
In addition, the agreement approved in full City includes 10% reduction in the amount of assistance to corporate bodies as full, governing boards, and commissions.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras