The program aims to enhance personal confidence and motivation of students to increase employment options.
Fifteen students will be trained for 100 hours to increase social skills through various theoretical and practical exercises.
The City Council of Puerto Lumbreras, through Social Services, in collaboration with the Instituto Murciano Social Action, has launched the program "Basic Training for the social integration of people facing exclusion."
This morning, the Councillor for Employment and Social Policy, M ª Angeles Tunisia, has inaugurated the new training program in which social work skills of the 15 participating students through teaching that promotes stability and personal promotion.
According to the Councillor for Employment and Social Policy, M ª Angeles Tunisia, "the training program aims to equip students with basic personal resources to improve their behavior, and enhance their confidence and motivation, to facilitate their employment."
Specifically, the training program consists of 100 hours to be distributed during the months of February and March, and is aimed at people with poor social skills and low levels of education.
In addition, the course offers an educational effort through which students improve their oral and written expression, reading compression, yet acquire basic knowledge in various lessons.
In this sense, the Councillor for Social Policy and Employment, M ª Angeles Tunisia, explained that "the program includes theoretical lectures, but also includes practical strategies that will foster stability and promote students' personal."
The methodology of this project is purely participatory, and the program has made a qualified psychologist and a counselor, both from the Association for Promoting Social Development and offer personalized attention to students.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras