The Partido Popular de Puerto Lumbreras in its election manifesto commitment to "continue to create new social services that improve the quality of life for all lumbrerenses. Helping those most in most need and address social inequalities has been a priority for the government of the Party People in Puerto Lumbreras.
Des this way in his election the Popular Party of Puerto Lumbreras to dump social policies with new programs, creating infrastructure and services to serve persons with disabilities, seniors, families with fewer resources, immigrants ...
Pedro Antonio Sanchez, mayor and candidate for mayor of Puerto Lumbreras has highlighted the main projects the creation of a service orientation and job placement, the implementation of the Day Centre for People with Disabilities, the creation of a municipal Plan dependents, support for large families among other proposals.
In addition, the Plan proposes a popular special attention to ethnic minorities and the creation of a food delivery service for seniors.
As the PP health of Puerto Lumbreras Sanchez emphasized that "will continue working to provide citizens the best services and facilities. Emphasizing the importance of education and information, as it starts from the premise that best remedy to a disease is prevention. "
In this popular sense have also highlighted "a municipal health plan which shall include the municipality in the Spanish Network of Healthy Cities, the extension of the emergency department at the Health Center, improving the facilities of the station medical clinic -Esparragal.
Thus the local PP focuses on social policies in the forthcoming People's Party for the next term, improving the quality of life for all lumbrerenses, from solidarity and equality.
All these new ideas and proposals of the Partido Popular following the path set during the last legislature and reiterating the commitment of the popular social with the residents of the municipality.
Source: PP Puerto Lumbreras