The Popular Party will promote a National Water great Covenant based, inter alia, in the basin unit, environmental sustainability and solidarity between territories.
The CP proposes to guarantee the right of all citizens to have adequate water quality in response to strategic reserves, the realization of the works of the Water Agreement of Aragon and maintain the principle of preference for use of the territories through which pass basins, for the sake of the interest of sustainability and development of social and economic activities in the territories, transferring the surplus, a surplus basin to deficit areas.
Popular Party candidate for the Senate Murcia, Pedro Jose Perez, accompanied by Deputy Secretary of Organization and Institutional Relations and Mayor of Puerto Lumbreras, Pedro Antonio Sanchez today visited the sewage treatment plant WTP, Puerto Lumbreras, checking first hand how People's Party in Regional and Local Government strive to provide sufficient water to the municipality for economic and social development.
So Sanchez said that "People's Party's commitment to equip the Murcia Region of needed water, has not changed over the years," also wanted to "remember that the Socialists were Murcia, including Pedro Saura, who voted against the arrival of water to the Region of Murcia ".
Source: PP Puerto Lumbreras