The three municipal groups present in the Municipality of Puerto Lumbreras have agreed to adopt a motion that IU-Green proposal will lower the salaries and allowances of / as councilors of the consistory.
The left-wing organization has asked to suspend the payment of Christmas bonus to the council released the Municipality of Puerto Lumbreras, or equivalent, as well as implementing a 7.1% reduction in compensation paid the rest councilors not released by the exercise of its mandate.
They further propose that this measure is also taken to the perceived compensation for attendance at the various boards of municipal companies.
Training has also announced that it will file a motion against the cuts announced by the central government to consider "an unprecedented attack on democracy and the welfare state and battered" and even are against them believe that "all If any person with political or public office should lead by example, therefore no one would understand that this measure was not taken well to people who are part of the Corporation of the City Council. "
The motion will be presented jointly by the three municipal groups and approved at the next full City Council to be held on Tuesday 31 July.
Source: IU-verdes Puerto Lumbreras