The Municipal Group of IU-Greens in the city of Puerto Lumbreras, has claimed to be put in place all actions and measures necessary for the creation of a Puerto Lumbreras "Residential care homes" run by the Instituto Murciano Social Action ( IMAS).
For the formation of left Puerto Lumbreras must have as many localities of environment a public nursing homes, managed by the IMAS, the body responsible for the implementation of such centers in the Region of Murcia is the Instituto Murciano Social Action (IMAS), living both own centers as aided schools, and which offers both public places funded by that institute where the user pays a retail price, depending on their income, and partially subsidized places where the user pays a sum determined.
For Victor J.
Romera, IU-Greens Spokesperson at City Hall, "the residences have health care, social, rehabilitative, and occupational, as well as the ability to participate in socio-cultural and recreational badly needed in our town ".
Source: IU-verdes Puerto Lumbreras