It has been approved in plenary modification Municipal Municipal General Management Plan that reduces distances location for farmers and ranchers who want to install or expand their farms, livestock or the primary sector.
The Mayor stressed that "these changes meet the needs of farmers and ranchers of the county and have been agreed after holding several meetings with the presidents of the Health Protection Associations, as well as farmers in the municipality".
The City Council has approved Puerto Lumbreras in the Municipal Council to amend the conditions of building construction and expansion of facilities in farms, livestock or primary sector covered by the Municipal General Management Plan (PGMO).
Thus, the mayor of Puerto Lumbreras, along with Councilman Agriculture, Water and districts, José María Parra, explained this morning that "since the council have taken measures to help our farmers and ranchers to expand its holdings respecting the law of land and the environment, and promoting the development of the primary sector of the city as an economic engine. "
In this sense, the amendment of the General Urban Plan eliminates difficulties for farmers who want to install or expand their farms, livestock or the primary sector in the municipality.
Thus, the distances are reduced for ranchers to expand their business without reducing the number of animals on their farms.
Also, Sanchez stressed that "these changes meet the needs of farmers and ranchers of the county and have been agreed after holding several meetings with the presidents of the Health Protection Associations, as well as farmers in the municipality".
Minimum distances PGMO location
Thus, the minimum distances are changed location for farming.
Currently, for farming purposes (except the pig) the location is 1,000 meters ground clearance urban core of Puerto Lumbreras, zoned building land 400 meters, 500 meters and industrial urban soil cores 500 meters districts.
With the new amendments shorten distances: 300 meters core urban land Puerto Lumbreras, zoned building land 100 meters, 50 meters urban industrial land, 100 meters districts cores.
Furthermore, in the current PGMO and previous, approved in 2003, the maximum building is 0.15 m2 and incompatible with any other use of the parcel.
However, with the new modification incompatibilities exist with other uses on the parcel.
Furthermore, the amendment provides that in cases of reform and expansion to accommodate animal welfare regulations, do not apply these distances but the authorized record.
In the case of new pig farms, the PGMO approved in 2003, established the following minimum distances location: urban land 1.500m kernel Puerto Lumbreras, developable land zoned 1.000m, 1.000m urban land industrial districts cores 1.000m and buildability was not compatible with any other use of the parcel.
However, with the new proposed amendment, the minimum distances of location are reduced as follows: core urban land 1.000m Puerto Lumbreras, 500m urban land industrial districts cores 500m, 500m and developable land zoned buildable if compatible with other uses in the plot.
Finally, in the case of extensions to existing pig farms, the PGMO 2003, did not provide any special treatment for this type of expansion.
Thus, the current situation PGMO, does provide minimum distances location: urban land 1.000m, 500m cores districts, zoned building land 300m.
However, with the new amendment proposed by the PP, the minimum distances are further reduced location: 1.000m Puerto Lumbreras core urban land, urban land 300m industrial districts cores 400m, 100m and developable land zoned incompatibilities with other brand uses of the land.
Furthermore, in cases of reform and expansion to accommodate animal welfare regulations, do not apply these distances, the parameters of the file will be authorized.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras