United Left-Greens in the Municipality of Puerto Lumbreras has asked it to develop a "Table of Rates" Aqualia services, which also is made public and is available to all lumbrerenses / as.
The company provides the service Aqualia outsourced the entire water cycle, with the management and operation of water services and sanitation in the Municipality of Puerto Lumbreras, through public procurement.
Aqualia for the provision of these services charge a rate or price but should be regulated in some way, are not and obey criteria of "market" or the unilateral decision of the company itself, escaping the control and supervision over them should the City Council itself.
Therefore, the United Left-Greens also considered because so provides the specifications for the award of the service, which would require far more transparent and that those prices were public and that any citizen who requires it knows from the outset which is the amount you'll pay for that initiative or by hiring a service.
Thus section 10 of the abovementioned statements and establishes the possibility of producing a "Table of Prices", which must be approved by the council.
Source: IU-verdes Puerto Lumbreras