Local Assembly of IU-Greens Puerto Lumbreras said through his Secretary of Organization, Pedro Jesus Camacho, supporting the strike in Education convened by the entire school community for this October 24 to understand it as "justified, necessary and full of words. "
For Camacho, both LOMCE law known as the "Wert" and scholarship reductions or increases in rates of both university and VET "claim that private companies and banks causing the economic decline of the country come to exploit the system education as a new niche market. "
For the formation of the left with the latest policies made by both the PP and PSOE governments in education, are causing the public education system suffers a sharp deterioration at all levels, with "less and less teachers and worse working conditions where school supplies has become a luxury transportation grants esta'n desaparicio'ny cutting up your families into debt to pay for their studies of their sons / daughters. "
Therefore, Camacho has announced the participation of members of IU-Greens Puerto Lumbreras in the various protests to be held in the framework of both the educational strike Guadalentin region as in regional rally will take place from the 19:00 H on the Plaza de la Fuensanta of Murcia city.
Source: IU-verdes Puerto Lumbreras