United Puerto Lumbreras-Green Left today regretted that the Popular Party of the town support the proposed electoral reform that the Government has announced that it intends to carry out before the next municipal elections.
For Pedro Jesús Camacho Councilman IU-Greens in the city "is an undemocratic proposal comes only try to do stay at PP in the municipalities at any cost, even through authoritarianism" to Camacho, which ensures that the PP has confused "absolute majority absolute majority" is regrettable that the lumbrerense PP Please be shown in the last full after a proposal of the Municipal Group of IU-Greens calling for its rejection, "it seems that here also want to maintain power at all costs , even at the cost of going against the opinion of lumbrerenses "has settled.
Training has confirmed that as IU has announced through its Federal coordinator Cayo Lara, will stand up in the streets and in institutions all possible ways to curb what they described as "a coup in municipal elections "
Source: IU-verdes Puerto Lumbreras