The Municipal Group of IU-Greens in the city of Puerto Lumbreras has requested that lighting problems generated with changes in brightness have been after replacing all the street lighting in the municipality for more efficient lighting systems are solved, but that judgment the formation of the left are causing some lighting problems that extend to all areas where it has been the change to the new system.
These problems Murcia Region Avd arise mainly in the French Quarter, among others, as well as the main communication arteries Township Avd.. Rey Juan Carlos I, Calle San Francisco with Avd. Almeria, Choir Fernández Caballero, Pedro García Rubio to Calle Mayor, Avd. Salvador García Caballero.
Such visibility problems from IU-Greens ensures that particularly affect older people, but also hinder the mobility of the other neighbors.
Victor J. Romera Spokesperson at City Hall Municipal Group said that "although we understand that the changes are positive, the fact remains that this circumstance should analyze and find solutions with the company awarded the contract, with the aim of maintaining the anticipated saving and emission reduction is improved visibility from the streets, as there is a feeling that many of them are in darkness. "
Source: IU-verdes Puerto Lumbreras