After adaptation works this way have remained unrepaired only 1700 meters belonging entirely to the town of Puerto Lumbreras.
Many local residents who use the Camino de Vera for your daily commute, either because they live in the area and have access to their properties in this way, either because they use it for commuting as important junction connecting with neighboring city ​​of Lorca.
This pathway has been refurbished in recent months across its path except the part between the junction of Cuatro Caminos and the intersection of this with the Rambla Murciano, matching the part that has not been fitted, almost entirely, with part of its route in which both sides of the land belonging to the municipality of Puerto Lumbreras.
Many residents living in this area, lumbrerenses not understand how these have been only 1700 meters of the route of this road without condition.
The Municipal Socialist Group has tabled a motion in Parliament where an adaptation of this road passing through the town is requested, completing the repair of entire route.
Source: PSOE Puerto Lumbreras