Through the collaboration agreement, the City awarded a grant of 27,000 euros to the Council of Guilds to develop and promote Easter in Puerto Lumbreras.
The City of Puerto Lumbreras and the Council of Guilds Pasionarias have signed a collaboration agreement to develop and promote the Easter lumbrerense.
The Mayor of Puerto Lumbreras, Maria Angeles Tunisia, and President of the Council of Guilds Pasionarias of Puerto Lumbreras, Sergio Soler, have entered into a collaboration agreement whereby the City Council awarded a grant to the three guilds of the town.
In this sense, the Mayor explained that "through this collaboration agreement the City gives an annual grant to the Council of Guilds to develop and promote the municipality Easter".
He also explained that "the Easter shows one of the most established for each year lumbrerenses and traditions have a greater number of participants and visitors."
Thus, the City Council awarded a grant of 27,000 euros to Fitted Guilds for the organization and promotion of processions and religious-cultural events held in the town coinciding with Easter.
For this, the Council of Guilds takes a fair distribution of the subsidy to the three guilds of the town: the Ancient and Venerable Guild of the Blessed.
Virgen de los Dolores, the Royal and Illustrious Brotherhood of Stmo.
Christ of faith and Mary Blessed.
Of Mercy, and Ntro Brotherhood.
Padre Jesus Nazareno.
For his part, the President of the Council of Guilds Pasionarias, Sergio Soler, thanked the cooperation of the City Council and the participation of associations, lumbrerenses visitors each year and know our processions, and the new House-Museum of Guilds Week Holy.
House Museum of Guilds of Holy Week in Puerto Lumbreras
The municipality of Puerto Lumbreras has the House- Museum of the guilds which is established as the seat of the three lumbrerenses guilds.
The infrastructures are located in the streets Ezequiel López and Francisco Tirado, and have over 1,180 square feet on four floors where they are stored and exhibited typical goods thrones and Easter.
This agreement is also intended part of the grant to the maintenance of the facilities of the brotherhoods.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras