Mª Angeles Tunisia this morning visited the lumbrerense Puerto Export company dedicated to the production and marketing of fruit and vegetables with 250 workers.
The Mayor of Puerto Lumbreras, Maria Angeles Tunisia, with the councilman of Agriculture, Livestock and districts, visited the lumbrerense PuertoExport SA company dedicated to the production and marketing of fruit and vegetables to meet the training demands of this sector in the town to promote professional expertise and encourage job creation.
Thus, during the visit, Maria Angeles Tunisia, has reiterated its commitment to agriculture and livestock, defending them as one of the main economic engines and job creation in Puerto Lumbreras.
Thus, the Mayor explained that "Puerto Lumbreras is a town dedicated mainly to agriculture and livestock occupying the primary sector 55.6% of the working population."
Thus, he noted that "in Puerto Lumbreras the agriculture and livestock constitutes one of the main drivers of the local economy. Therefore, the City Council put in place concrete actions that favor the development of enterprises this sector in our town. "
In this sense, the City provides services of information, training, support and advice that will be accessible to farmers who request it at the Municipal Dependencies Station-Esparragal.
Also, through the Local Education Plan, the City Council and the Community will continue to drive specialized training programs related to agriculture and livestock.
On the other hand, the programs offered through the local Training Plan suit the needs of the labor market to strengthen training of primary agriculture and livestock.
Similarly, last year the City Council approved reductions in the Tax on Construction, Installation and Works (ICICI) of 43.46% for facilities for agricultural use as agricultural and livestock buildings with 39% and livestock farm buildings and airy Height with 44% and finally a reduction of 50.55% for the construction of sheds or warehouses without walls.
"What we want with these new measures is to stimulate economic activity of the municipality to support new projects in these sectors so that municipal taxes to the current socioeconomic situation fit," says the Mayor.
In this sense, Maria Angeles Tunisia explained that "Puerto Lumbreras has become 1 March municipalities in the Region of Murcia with lowest unemployment rate, and this is due, among other things, that the primary sector has absorbed workers other sectors that were severely damaged by the economic crisis. "
Thus, Maria Angeles Tunisia concluded by explaining that "the primary sector which is generating employment opportunities in Puerto Lumbreras, absorbing many of the unemployed in other sectors."
Therefore, "we must continue strengthening it, taking care and strengthen it as a fundamental sector".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras