Mayor brings together his new government team and mark the path of the next four years in which citizen participation and increase transparency.
Employment will be the top priority to be combined with other major areas of action such as education, social policy and economic development of Puerto Lumbreras.
Honesty, humility, commitment and hard work by all lumbrerenses
The Mayor of Puerto Lumbreras, Maria Angeles Tunisia met this morning to his new government team to lay the foundations for these new four years of municipal government.
So, Maria Angeles Tunisia explained that "it will be 4 years that the most important thing will remain the lumbrerenses why citizen participation will increase significantly."
Thus, he noted that "honesty, commitment, humility and hard work are the principles of this new stage."
He also explained that believes in '' an open and participatory government. The last times do we change the ways of governing, and so we will continue promoting a flexible, efficient and transparent administration. "
Similarly, Maria Angeles Tunisia explained that "employment is the top priority from which we will work in all possible areas and areas of government."
So, Maria Angeles Tunisia noted that "we are a new team with renewed fuerzar and more eager than ever to work for Puerto Lumbreras and all lumbrerenses without partisan distinctions. We will work in an honest, tireless and transparent to defend the interests of each one of the 15,000 lumbrerenses. "
To conclude the new team scored the 4 main areas of action in which they have begun to work this morning, and it will use as the main axis, as well as education, social policy and economic development of the municipality.
MUNICIPAL CORPORATION 2015-2019 • Maria Angeles Garcia Tunisia • Jose Maria Parra Perez Morillas • Angela Lopez Sonia Lopez Asensio • • • Juan Francisco Carrillo Martinez Maria Victoria Jerez Eliseo Sanchez Martinez • Places • Raquel Rodriguez Alcaraz • Andres Domingo Lopez Egea • Dolores Arenas Canton
Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras