The Socialist Party of Puerto Lumbreras necessary and wise not to start work on Extension of CEIP Juan Antonio Lopez Alcaraz during the school year, delaying its start in June 2016, so that they are executed in the holiday period, avoiding hassles for school community and thus not compromise the safety of the community.
Works Expansion of the College have a budget of 419,953.81 Euros, and was published in the Contractor Profile CARM last June 18, 2015.
In these works they have attended a total of 72 companies during the month of July, without having yet resolved the award of the same, which shows that the City lied to parents when stating that the works would be carried out in the summer 2015, not even being contracted works.
In this situation it seems that are being considered, by the municipality of Puerto Lumbreras, several possibilities for relocating the students of that school Child, if, finally, work will begin during the 2015-2016 school year.
Given this fact Miravete Jose Manuel Garcia, Spokesman and Secretary General of the Socialist Party argued that "the opinion of the Socialist Party of Puerto Lumbreras, delayed the works and possible start after the beginning of the school year, reflect poor management by the Ministry of Education of the Region of Murcia ".
Garcia Miravete said that "since the PSOE of Puerto Lumbreras ask that the necessary steps be taken by the City Council of Puerto Lumbreras and from the Ministry of Education so that finally the work commences in June 2016 and run during the period holiday, to avoid compromising the safety of the educational community center;. Students, teachers, parents and school staff "
Source: PSOE Puerto Lumbreras