01 Abril'08 The Full Council of Puerto Lumbreras yesterday approved the motion submitted by Councillor Business, Employment and Development, David Ginés Piñero on the creation of a Municipal Commission of Education that will lead to the implementation of a tool that encourages citizen participation through associations, social partners and local institutions in development of the training, promoting new alternatives and better work conditions, while improving the quality of life lumbrerenses through a training offer as comprehensive, innovative and adapted to the real needs of the municipality.
The Commission will encourage the formation over the life of the unemployed and employed, improving their professional skills and personal development, providing working people with the knowledge and practices to the professional qualifications in the labor market and the needs companies.
Also contribute to improving productivity and competitiveness of enterprises, improving the employability of workers, particularly those with greater difficulties in maintaining employment or job placement.
The promotion of professional skills acquired by working people both through learning processes (formal and informal) and work experience that are the subject of accreditation, also form part of the Municipal Commission of Education.
The Spanish Constitution states in Article 40.2 "The public authorities shall promote a policy guaranteeing professional training and retraining, will ensure the safety and health at work and ensure the necessary rest through the limitation of working hours, periodic holidays paid and the promotion of adequate facilities. "
The Organic Law on Qualifications and Vocational Training is aimed at the creation of a National Vocational Qualifications and to provide itself with unity, coherence and effectiveness in planning, management and administration of this reality.
Among its objectives is to facilitate the integration of different forms of certification and accreditation of skills and professional qualifications.
Vocational training includes all training activities that enable qualified to perform the various occupations, access to employment and active participation in social, cultural and economic life.
'The strong commitment by the Municipality of Puerto Lumbreras in a policy strategy to promote training', highlights the mayor Ginés David Piñero, 'is essential to create a body whose objective advice and monitoring the impact of these strategies on the local population, as it is, the creation of the Municipal Commission of Education. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras