Councilman Business, Employment and Local Development, Ginés David Piñero accompanied by the mayor of Works, Eliseo Sanchez, this morning visited the works to restructure the municipal training center that will total 6 classrooms (after the split of the three airy classrooms today), two separate areas for the employment workshop and construction of two toilets in the work area for the workshop in the backyard of the property.
The work, which has a budget of 41,365 euros, will house the replacement of the main door of the building and painted entire walls and ceilings.
Piñero as' the new layout of the building of the Centre for Local Development meets the needs of demand that now has a training center that will serve to accommodate a suitable infrastructure to accommodate the gradual increase in the number of users who are demanding training courses increasingly specialized, which is also the orientation of the space to create new sites where users can complete the field training of adequate practical way. "
The center renovations are scheduled for the end of March, while respecting the external structure of the building at the street The Casicas.
The CLD of Puerto Lumbreras has organized in 2008 a total of 45 training courses, framed in some training activities also include conducting e-commerce seminars and courses in business development, publishing a guide to aid and subsidies for the development of business ideas, the creation of a Municipal Aid Office Inverter, creating a business library, as well as launching new services 'Grants and Subsidies' in the website and alerts through text messages via mobile.
One of the main objectives of the Centre for Local Development, is to promote business activity in the area, strengthening the entrepreneurial mindset and self-employment to serve as intermediaries between independent, corporate and various aid agencies and grant providers; and establish the necessary training and retraining of workers to establish an appropriate worker-company training.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras