Councilman Business, Employment and Local Development council of Puerto Lumbreras, Ginés David Piñero has presided over the meeting of the Association of Southeast Innovative Companies Murcia (AEI) held in Puerto Lumbreras.
At this meeting also participated the representatives of companies and entities of the project, such as the municipality of Fuente Alamo, Parque Tecnológico de Fuente Alamo, the Construction Technology Center, the Instituto de Fomento Region de Murcia, Confederation of Employers of Puerto Lumbreras, and entrepreneurs lumbrerenses and Fuente Alamo, which are part of the Innovative Business Association (AEI) Southeast Murcia.
In this meeting has exposed potential avenues for collaboration in the three lines that have been identified for this project, renewable energy, environment and technologies in construction related companies.
The project, which is in the process of selecting strategies and joint projects agreed as lines of action, as he said the mayor of Enterprise, Ginés Piñero "the use of recycled materials and new construction applications, as well as the use of renewables in the construction sector to improve efficiency and energy savings. "
The objective of this project, in which the City of Puerto Lumbreras acts as facilitator and promoter, is the design of the Strategic Plan for the establishment of an Innovative Business Group in the areas of environment, renewable energy and building technologies, implemented in the territorial areas of the municipalities of Fuente Alamo and Puerto Lumbreras, in order to build synergies for growth and improved their competitiveness.
The AEI is a combination mainly of small and medium enterprises, technology transfer centers and knowledge and specific training centers with a geographical link and focused the business, which become part of the group, after studying the economic, business and territorial area.
The strategy to follow, with the establishment of the AEI, is primarily focused on the positioning of the territory "as an attractive location for the implementation of innovative industries, increasing the innovative capacity of existing enterprises, promotion of internationalization, and the development sustainable economic and social cohesion, "said Pinero, who also noted that" the proposed work plan is divided into stages of analysis of the social and economic development of the towns of Puerto Lumbreras and Fuente Alamo, compared with regional data and national international, in order to determine what the companies that make up the Band. "
The analysis of market sector and enterprises, with the aim of obtaining a diagnosis of the situation of the participating companies will be another action to be taken into account in addition to establishing the strategic guidelines, objectives and joint research projects D + i.
AEI also be lodged in organization, budget and finance, leading design and drafting of the Strategic Plan, which must register with the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, which will allow access to grants for the financing of the management structures and coordination of the public body.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras