The formalization of this agreement, the municipality lumbrerense aims to increase the social economy and local development through counseling programs for companies and entrepreneurs.
The City Council of Puerto Lumbreras has signed a collaboration agreement with the Association of Social Economy Enterprises in the Region of Murcia, AMUSAL.
The Mayor, Pedro Antonio Sánchez, and AMUSAL president, José Francisco Ballester, have formalized this morning the convention, through which they intend to implement actions to promote economic growth and employment in the municipality.
"Since the council consider very important to the development and promotion of social economy, labor associations, cooperatives and enterprises.
The formalization of this collaboration agreement, the City Council and will launch actions AMUSAL and business projects to contribute to job creation and economic development of the municipality, "said the Mayor of Puerto Lumbreras, Pedro Antonio Sánchez.
Through the formalization of this agreement, the municipality and AMUSAL, put in place measures for the encouragement, promotion and development of viable businesses, generating wealth and employment jointly, and contribute to the development of the municipality.
Among these activities, highlights a plan of information, training and advice needed to improve the qualifications of those who choose to promote their own business.
In addition, it provides direct and individualized attention to entrepreneurs, to enhance thereby create new businesses and self-employment.
According to the Mayor, Pedro Antonio Sánchez, "the municipality will facilitate the participation of citizens in all training programs that implement AMUSAL, and promote lumbrerenses advising entrepreneurs to strengthen their businesses and implement new business projects the municipality. "
On the other hand, the municipality and will launch AMUSAL courses, conferences or briefings on the social economy, and labor associations.
It is also planned the design of training courses aimed at new entrepreneurs interested in starting a business.
"The Association of Social Economy of the Region of Murcia, as a business organization and an organization representing companies working in collaboration with the Municipality of Puerto Lumbreras, improve the competitiveness of Social Economy Enterprises as a means of improving quality of life of workers and society as a whole, "concluded the Mayor, Pedro Antonio Sánchez.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Puerto Lumbreras